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The ugly truth about the "Indie Web Movement"

May 11 2024

Okay, this is my first post here, and I hope the tone of my blogs speak more than a specific "about me" section, and nothing better than starting with an idea of mine that will make many here hate me, even though I'm right.

Recently, I read the book "Industrial Society and It's Future" by Ted. Kaczynski. Yes, that's the manifesto of that very intelligent guy who moved into the woods to isolate himself from human civilization, but since that didn't change the fact that on a large scale humans were still destroying the environment, he decided to revolt by sending anonymous packages containing bombs to various scientists, businessmen, university students, or anyone who, in his view, he had influence over capitalist industry, which made him known as the "Unabomber" and gave him a reputation as an eco-anarchist terrorist.

Okay, but what does this have to do with NeoCities and the movement that surrounds it? Well, almost nothing apparently, but that depends on how deeply you interpret everything present in your manifesto. In the very first chapters, Kaczynski introduces the concept of "Oversocialization," and he uses it as a constructive critique of political and social leftism. According to him, oversocialization is when an individual is simply unable to think and act without considering society's perception of him, something similar to conformism but the difference is that: Conformism is the attitude of joining the masses and their customs without any question (Being conservative, consumerist, studying in a college, getting married, having children, working in a large company, etc. Living the "American Dream"). On the other hand, oversocializing refers to seeking out some niche movement or group in which everyone shares the same ideals and goals as a way of avoiding the feelings of alienation and solitude (Yes, this can lead to conformism, but he uses that term more to refer to progressive and liberal counterculture movements, such as the hippies and punks).

The problem with oversocialized individuals is that, as much as their views and intentions are very correct, they do not understand that the causes of issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, class division, poverty, hunger, social exclusion, among others, all these problems are interconnected with the industrial revolution and its consequences for modern society to function properly, and because this system has made us depressed and disempowered by taking away our autonomy, leftists are unwilling to sacrifice the comforts and security of the modern world to complete their main goals. This is because, unfortunately, many of them don't really know and/or care about what they're fighting for and it's scale, so they end up problematizing useless and insignificant issues because in reality they just want something to be angry at. This generate little to no advancement, while sometimes it aggravates the situation even more by turning it into a commodity (Basically, the Unabomber predicted wokeism and cancel culture). An example of this given by Kaczynski himself, is that anti-racist groups want black people to be able to get out of poverty and marginality, and to become honest workers integrated into society just like whites, which initially seems like a very fair thing to do, until you realize that it implies the idea that this greedy industrial society that was precisely planned by white european men is "perfectly ideal and functional" (Which is not), and that in order for black people to finally stop being abused by the system they must give up their identity, culture, philosophy, history, and especially their pride so that they can become an exact replica of the white man. Keeping this in mind, "anti-racist" groups are just as prejudiced as the Ku Klux Klan, similar things could be said about other activist groups.

Great, but then again, what does this have to do with the Indie Web movement? Simple, the movement itself is based on the idea that the 2000s were the "Golden Age of the Internet" due to the lack of centralization and information flowed free without the intervention of censorship, which supposedly made people friendlier. This gradually changed during the 2010s, when smartphones began to rise in popularity and companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook (Let's face it, no one really calls them "Meta") in the face of this centralization of the internet began to implement algorithms and user tracking in their services, especially Social Media that over time were manipulating the great masses of the population increasingly radical ideals, as well as atomizing the youth and making them more and more "dumb" so to speak. The beginning of the 2020s marks the beginning of "dark times" in a way, with the advent of AI and greater monopolization of the internet, it is possible to expect that the world in the coming years will really become a cyberpunk dystopia, after all only a conglomerate of companies control the media in a time of post-pandemic political tension where the whole world hates itself on a global scale and there doesn't seem to be an absolute truth. The Indie Web movement proposes the solution that we should pay more attention to the privacy policies and terms of use present and services of the internet, we should more support for Open Source software alternatives as a way to weaken these big Big Tech companies (which also does so if it coincides with the Free Software movement), Instead of using popular social networks, we should go back to using forums, blogs, independent e-mail services, and of course encourage the study of computing as a way to go head-to-head with these big companies.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with pretty much everything the movement in theory proposes. HOWEVER, the dirt here lies in the sad fact that: Most of the people who participate in this movement don't really know what they're doing. Seriously, most of the blogs, forums, and independent platforms that have come out of this movement are less focused on coming up with a rebellion as such and more on a form of escapism extremely... Infantile? Vulgar? Ignorant? yes, those are the closest terms to describe these websites that constantly paint this nostalgic picture of how "the Internet used to be better back in the day, bla bla bla" and all this sausage stuffing accompanied by the crude attempts to emulate the "aesthetic" of the time. There's already a stereotype of the typical queer furry teenager with autism who has a blog made of HTML and CSS code stolen from a thousand and one different places, where he expresses how much he likes internet aesthetics and certain artistic standards because deep down he has zero creativity to create something new and interesting from scratch. Where he also says how much he hates big tech companies that "have monopolized the internet and manipulate the opinion of the population", while he is still dependent on the services of these same companies not only to keep his blog and other projects on the air, but also to satisfy his attention deficit with hours of cheap entertainment on YouTube and TikTok (Not to mention his clear addiction to pornography).

I may have been a bit "insensitive" in the last paragraph, but let's face it: EVERYONE knows that you are too young to have really lived through that time period, while the internet was indeed more "innocent" and experimental in the past, it doesn't change the fact that it was very far away from the militant puritanism present today in NeoCities sites for example. The 2000s were the time when the Attack on the Twin Towers and the War in Iraq took place, gore and shock sites were at their peak, there were Newgrounds' Flash animations with levels of violence, nudity, vulgarity, and crude humor considered absurd even to this day, not to mention the pedophilia scandals involving sites like MySpace and Orkut. Well, you know those hate groups like the Incels and the MGTOW? You're going to have to leave your nostalgia behind and accept the fact that, even at that time, these groups already existed on the internet and that a lot of the nostalgia you feel for that time and celebrate today came from these guys in some shape or form, be the memes, the music, the videos, the virals, etc. The insane part is that Ted. Kaczynski had already predicted in his manifesto that with the rise in popularity of the progressive and liberal ideas of the oversocialized left, something like Alt-Right Supremacist Groups could gain power and influence by using as propaganda the fact that they are indeed a vocal minority that is constantly censored and excluded from public discourse, with good reason, of course. And everything becomes even clearer when you find out Kaczynski already had to deal in the past with a sexual identity crisis in 1966 where he considered the possibility of him transitioning into a woman, I really wonder why this is not talked about so much today.

But by far the most tragic part is the whole fact that this is a serious movement with solid foundations that reflect our reality, but it has all been diluted to just retarded children playing make-believe on the internet while they end up getting involved in pedophile and neo-Nazi cesspools. I really wonder how websites like SpaceHey, Heyuri and BitView still stand even though it's blatant how lost their potential has been, if you don't agree with the exact same ideals as these people and they're going to go after you, it's literally the same retarded wokeism and cancel culture of Tumblr and Twitter, only decentralized this time. Go ahead and call me what you want, I poked at your wound, now go live out your weird fantasy that you've built around yourself, it literally doesn't make a difference to anyone else if you're a dumb loser.

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